How To Lose Friends and Piss Off People
A Handbook for Feminists
A book review - 4 stars
Fresh from their first joint book collaboration "Building Walls and Burning Bridges - Reinforcing Your Echo Chamber" F. U. Bitchey and Ms.Sogyny set out a blueprint for fundamental feminist activism in a patriarchally privileged paradigm. The authors take their ideas further to propagate an agenda for change for a diverse environment outside of a hetero-normative white cis-gendered male oriented framework to accommodate an
intersectionally inclusive matrix across interdisciplinary research field.
In this book F. U. Bitchey and Ms. Sogyny succeed in furthering the logic of their fields into an era of a Trump/Clinton dichotomy where male reasoning and logic fails to undergird the more diverse feminine and non white male, non cis-gendered and non hetero-normative nondominating, non imperial post colonial narrative.
F. U. Bitchey is a professor of law at PrincelyCost University and has written widely including her seminal thesis "Why Women kill and Why They Should Not Be Punished" and has also been active in the defence of many accused violent female defendants.
Ms. Sogyny is a director of the prestigious Institute for the Advancement of Feminist Media. She has also been active in campus sexual politics advancing the idea of feminine sexual choices without responsibility and has had various papers published including "Why False Accusations Are Good Both For Men and Society".