Saturday, 3 December 2016

My Personal Pronoun

Much has been made of the use of pronouns, in particular in reference to trans people. The issue has been brought to public debate and derision primarily because of the criticism of  the proposed 16C of the Canadian Human Rights Code by Jordan Peterson. He is a clinical psychologist and a professor of psychology at the University of Toronto. His contention is that this law requiring self identified gender pronouns be used to reflect a person's own identified gender (up to 70 and climbing) is dangerous and consigns due process to the waste bin of history. His stance has cause a maelstrom of controversy. 

In this spirit I have decided to make known my pronoun as follows. zhyruriop. Let me explain.

To denote ownership in the first person you add ori after the pronoun. eg. This is zhyruriopori work.

To denote ownership in the third person you add oro after the pronoun. eg. This is zhyrurioporo work.

As a first person object pronoun you add ula after zhyruriop. eg. This work belongs to

As a third person object pronoun you add me after zhyruriop. eg. This work belongs to

To use zhyruriop as referring to the past as action done add an i prefix to zhyruriop. eg Izhyruriop went to the theatre.

To use zhyruriop as referring to the present as action being done in the present add an a prefix to zhyruriop. eg.Azhyruriop is going to the theatre.

To use zhyruriop as referring to a future add an e prefix to zhyruriop. eg. Ezhyruriop will go the the theatre.

To use zhyruriop as as relating to an involuntary action put the prefix ta in front of zhyruriop. eg. Tazhyruriop reports to tazhyrurioporo  parole officer every month. Note the prefix will go before the possessive pronoun as well. For an involuntary action in the past or future but not to the present in concert with the involuntary action place the z or e prefix in front of the ta prefix. eg For 3 years Itazhyruriop reported to itazhyruriopor parole officer.

So with this information you can now address zhyruriopme properly. Failure to adhere strictly will be a sign of oppression and hate and a breach of zhrurioporo rights and will result in persecution and prosecution. Penalties up to and including prison may apply. Strangely not many people want to talk to zhyruriopme these days but azhyruriop is feeling more empowered as a result these pronoun rules being respected.