Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Russia Russia Russia - Marcia Marcia Marcia

How many are tired of the media hysteria over the "hacking" of the US election last November by the Russians?
  1. The leading factor in the lost of the US Presidential Election by Hillary Clinton was Hillary Clinton.
  2. There does not seem to be anything more than innuendo and "maybes" and "could have" passed off as revelations.
  3. I am having trouble trying to work out what the Russians are supposed to have done that America has never done. A lot of stones being thrown by people living in glass houses.
Yet the media goes on and on. Anything to avoid the introspection required by the US Democrats or to face up to the faults of the pro Wall Street Clintonite Democrats and the issues buried by this wing of the Democrat Party. This reminds me of a scene in the 1970s sitcom Brady Bunch, Marcia Marcia Marcia.

Wednesday, 8 March 2017

My French Viewers

I have checked out the stats on this blog and it seems that the nation with the most visitors to my blog is France with more views than any other nation.

Quite why this is so I do not know.

So I thought I would honour my French viewers with this posting.

Merci beaucoup mes téléspectateurs français.

(Thank you very much my French viewers).

Friday, 13 January 2017

Laci Green II - America's Greatest Rape Machine

This is a second post about Laci Green. In my first post Laci Green Raped Me (of my innocence) I described the phenomenon of lots of "claims" by sceptics of feminism that Laci Green had raped them. I even added my own account. This was consistent with the Laci promoted meme of #ListenAndBelieve.

I adapted the lyrics of the chorus of the Boney M hit Ra Ra Rasputin to the Laci Green phenomenon and the meme of #LaciRapedMe for the lyrics.