The science class has an assortment different characters, each interested in different scientific disciplines.
The star performer of the class is Physics whose science has the most profound implications for the deepest questions of life, the universe and everything. From laws of motion to the workings of thermodynamics to quantum mechanics Physics is concerned with the basic laws of everything. He is clearly the acme of the sciences. Much of his work is barely comprehensible to most others without years of training. Another difficulty for Physics is that most of the other students find the 2nd law of thermodynamics troubling and thus pretend that it doesn't mean anything.
Sitting next to Physics is Chemistry whose achievements in his area are quite phenomenal. Nearly everyone is affected in some way by the products of Chemistry and many of the other students are always making use of his knowledge for their own work. As a young child Chemistry was trying to turn lead in gold. That was back in the day when he was called Alchemy. Today however he has matured into one of the prime sciences.
Also a star performer sitting in the front row of the class is Biology. His work compliments much of Chemistry. In fact Chemistry can only work just so far in examining the questions of life. "I know how I came to this point but I can not see my way further into life". Biology says to Chemistry "That's OK I don't know how you got to here but I know how to take your work further". Biology and Chemistry are often working together in areas like medicine. Chemistry has sometimes been in trouble experimenting with drugs and toxic substances. The school's administrators sometimes express displeasure.
In the next row is Geology. Geology is always collaborating with other sciences because his work seems to overlap so much. It may be Chemistry for analysing the content of rocks or Physics from explaining the behaviour of sedimentary deposition to radioactive dating. He has frequently collaborated with Biology and Palaeontology among others. His gaze is downcast towards the ground and his focus is clearly on the past.
Also in the second row is Pharmacology and he often works very closely with Chemistry and Biology. He has been sighted sometimes experimenting with drugs in the company of Chemistry.
Also in the second row but not in attendance is Astronomy. He is the hikikomori boy of the class. Never venturing out in the day and only venturing out at night when the rest of the world is asleep. He is never seen in class and his seat is always empty. It is rumoured that his gaze is fixed on the heavens but so few people have seen him that few even know what he looks like that they can not be sure. He no longer associates with Astrology with whom he was once close and grew up with. He was often mistaken for him. Astrology has been precluded from the science because of the poor ability of his theories to make predictions. Astronomy did once make trouble for the church but those days are now in the past.
Sitting in the third row we have first Astrophysics. A close friend of Physics who is attracted to Astronomy but he wants to be more sociable. Like Physics he is interested in the big questions of life like "how did the universe start" and "how will it end".
Mathematics also sits in the third row and he gets along with all the other students. Everyone has a need for his work. There doesn't seem to be anything for which his input is not only useful but essential. He is definitely the most popular boy in the class.
The last student in the third row is Climatology. His conclusions are the most controversial. Not with the other students in the class who all respect his scientific technique but with others outside class. That said Economics will sometimes tell them that climate is not as important as his work. He is frequently being called a liar, a hoax, a disinformation conspirator and worse. He has become the most political of all the science students although not by his choice. Only Biology receives as much flack or his work on evolution although Geology is sometimes attacked for his work when it touches on evolution. The school administration has received some external pressure for Climatology to tone down his work or at least change his conclusion but which thus far these pressures have been resisted.
The first student in the fourth row is Palaeontology. He is often seen collaborating with Geology and Biology. He is preoccupied with fossils and has a vast hoard and passes his time endlessly categorising them.
Sitting next to him is Zoology. He is an animal lover and is often working with Biology and Evolutionary Psychology. The Ethics Committee limits by the types of experiments he is allowed to do but this is OK by them as he basically likes his experimental subjects. His emotional attachment meets objectivity which can sometimes puts him in a bit of a quandary.
The last student in the fourth row is Toxicology. A very dark character who is a little scary to most of the other students. He is preoccupied with poisons and toxins. Everything he touches turns to poison. Where Chemistry lacked the Midas touch for making gold in his Alchemy days Toxicology can do in spades for tuning anything into poison. He prefers to wear black. He is definitely the goth of the class. Where Pharmacology fears to tread Toxicology rushes in with all enthusiasm. He sometimes takes an interest in Zoology when he is working with verminous animals.
In the back row are some characters whose very attendance is resented by some of the other students who are sure they shouldn't even call themselves scientists. They are considered to be the dunces of the class. First is Economics. He is not respected as a hard science but he has temerity to assume for himself that he is the superior science of all others and round him the whole universe revolves. Most of the other students see him as pretentious and full of himself. He even sometimes steps up the the front of the class and starts acting like a teacher. He has even presumed to get advice to the school's administrators.
Sitting next to him is Psychology who is simply beset with problems. Unlike Economics he does at least have insight into his own problems. After years of trying to get into the science class he was finally begrudgingly granted a seat at the back on condition he didn't say too much. He asks interesting questions but never poses any testable hypotheses which can be falsified. He has many personality problems from behavioural problems, Oedipus complex, hysterias and delusions. In so far as his work is scientific it loses relevance to understanding the psyche and in so far as his woks is relevant to understanding the psyche it is unscientific. Sometimes he is disassociated and in 2 minds. Sometimes he has no mind at all. He doesn't seem to be able to help the other students except when they are depressed. Often when he disagrees with another student's work he is prone to question their psychological motives instead of their theories.
Sitting next to him is a close friend Evolutionary Psychology. He suffers from most of the problems of Psychology but he does collaborate a lot with Biology but sometimes Biology loses patience with him. Some of the other students think he is being pretentious, even Psychology. Most seem to take umbrage at the implication that they personally are acting like animals, having somewhat higher opinions of themselves. But if he is not respected in the science class his problems increase outside of it. It is said that members of the Gender Studies class regularly bully, harass and thoroughly humiliate him. He has been accused of being a menace just for existing. Even the school administrators would be happy if he would just disappear.
You may have noticed that there seem to be no girls in the science class. This has been an issue for those in the gender studies class. The paucity of boys in the gender class however does not seem to concern the same students. In fact there once was a girl in the science class and a feminist at that. Her work was poorly referenced, based on false statistics and her theories were unfalsifiable and sounded more like a rumbling essay than a well framed work of science. She did take a shine to Psychology and he took a shine to her. His objectivity and scientific technique deteriorated as a result. She even suggested he would be welcomed in the gender studies class. After receiving a cool reaction to her work she returned to gender studies stealing some of Psychology's work and distorting it for her own ends. This was a relief as she was picking fights with Evolutionary Psychology at ever opportunity. Toxicology once made a suggestion to her which is best not repeated here.
One day a group of gender studies students invaded the science class but when asked why they didn't simply enrol in the science class they said it was more important to raise awareness of the problem than to actually do anything about it themselves. "It is important for OTHER girls to enrol in the science class but not ourselves".
So that is the make up of the science class. Let me know if you have any suggestions for any more science students and I will see if I can fit them into the class.
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