Much has been made of the use of pronouns, in particular in reference to trans people. The issue has been brought to public debate and derision primarily because of the criticism of the proposed 16C of the Canadian Human Rights Code by Jordan Peterson. He is a clinical psychologist and a professor of psychology at the University of Toronto. His contention is that this law requiring self identified gender pronouns be used to reflect a person's own identified gender (up to 70 and climbing) is dangerous and consigns due process to the waste bin of history. His stance has cause a maelstrom of controversy.
In this spirit I have decided to make known my pronoun as follows. zhyruriop. Let me explain.
To denote ownership in the first person you add ori after the pronoun. eg. This is zhyruriopori work.
To denote ownership in the third person you add oro after the pronoun. eg. This is zhyrurioporo work.
As a first person object pronoun you add ula after zhyruriop. eg. This work belongs to
As a third person object pronoun you add me after zhyruriop. eg. This work belongs to
To use zhyruriop as referring to the past as action done add an i prefix to zhyruriop. eg Izhyruriop went to the theatre.
To use zhyruriop as referring to the present as action being done in the present add an a prefix to zhyruriop. eg.Azhyruriop is going to the theatre.
To use zhyruriop as referring to a future add an e prefix to zhyruriop. eg. Ezhyruriop will go the the theatre.
To use zhyruriop as as relating to an involuntary action put the prefix ta in front of zhyruriop. eg. Tazhyruriop reports to tazhyrurioporo parole officer every month. Note the prefix will go before the possessive pronoun as well. For an involuntary action in the past or future but not to the present in concert with the involuntary action place the z or e prefix in front of the ta prefix. eg For 3 years Itazhyruriop reported to itazhyruriopor parole officer.
So with this information you can now address zhyruriopme properly. Failure to adhere strictly will be a sign of oppression and hate and a breach of zhrurioporo rights and will result in persecution and prosecution. Penalties up to and including prison may apply. Strangely not many people want to talk to zhyruriopme these days but azhyruriop is feeling more empowered as a result these pronoun rules being respected.
Saturday, 3 December 2016
Tuesday, 21 June 2016
Lemon Tree - the MGTOW Anthem
One of the songs I remember from childhood was Lemon Tree. I remember singing it at a school concert as part of a class choir. At the age of 9 I did not really understand the meaning of the lyrics or their context. As a young boy I appreciated the girls at my school and had quite a few female friends. I knew the feeling of being fixated on the occasional very beautiful girl in school. But in my prepubescent years I had no idea about romantic rollercoasters or the emotional turmoil of relationships. I really had no idea what the song was about except that it was a nice song and a little sad.
As an adult I can understand how prescient the lyrics are as they relate to heart ache, loneliness and especially the MGTOW movement. Lemon Tree is arguably a MGTOW anthem. It speaks to many of the issues raised by MGTOW thinkers. The emotional vulnerability of men to their heart strings and the casual hypergamy of women. It speaks to the different agendas of men and women in relationships. The fact that men and women operate at cross purposes in a relationship. Men do not know these dynamics. There is no active education of men in these matters and there seems little incentive for society to provide any. But it should be noted that in the song the "lad of ten" is given exactly this education and it fails to offer him the protection he needs. That may be a pessimistic omen for men in general. That the big head is over ruled by the little head in the affairs of the heart. Below are 2 versions, one by the Seekers and the other by Peter Paul and Mary. The lyrics supplied are from Peter Paul and Mary. Enjoy.
Lemon Tree
When I was just a lad of ten, my father said to me,
"Come here and take a lesson from the lovely lemon tree."
"Don't put your faith in love, my boy", my father said to me,
"I fear you'll find that love is like the lovely lemon tree."
Lemon tree very pretty and the lemon flower is sweet
But the fruit of the poor lemon is impossible to eat.
Lemon tree very pretty and the lemon flower is sweet
But the fruit of the poor lemon is impossible to eat.
One day beneath the lemon tree, my love and I did lie
A girl so sweet that when she smiled the stars rose in the sky.
We passed that summer lost in love beneath the lemon tree
The music of her laughter hid my father's words from me:
Lemon tree very pretty and the lemon flower is sweet
But the fruit of the poor lemon is impossible to eat.
Lemon tree very pretty and the lemon flower is sweet
But the fruit of the poor lemon is impossible to eat.
One day she left without a word. She took away the sun.
And in the dark she left behind, I knew what she had done.
She'd left me for another, it's a common tale but true.
A sadder man but wiser now I sing these words to you:
Lemon tree very pretty and the lemon flower is sweet
But the fruit of the poor lemon is impossible to eat.
Lemon tree very pretty and the lemon flower is sweet
But the fruit of the poor lemon is impossible to eat.
Monday, 30 May 2016
How To Lose Friends and Piss Off People - A Book Review
How To Lose Friends and Piss Off People
A Handbook for Feminists
A book review - 4 stars
Fresh from their first joint book collaboration "Building Walls and Burning Bridges - Reinforcing Your Echo Chamber" F. U. Bitchey and Ms.Sogyny set out a blueprint for fundamental feminist activism in a patriarchally privileged paradigm. The authors take their ideas further to propagate an agenda for change for a diverse environment outside of a hetero-normative white cis-gendered male oriented framework to accommodate an
intersectionally inclusive matrix across interdisciplinary research field.
In this book F. U. Bitchey and Ms. Sogyny succeed in furthering the logic of their fields into an era of a Trump/Clinton dichotomy where male reasoning and logic fails to undergird the more diverse feminine and non white male, non cis-gendered and non hetero-normative nondominating, non imperial post colonial narrative.
F. U. Bitchey is a professor of law at PrincelyCost University and has written widely including her seminal thesis "Why Women kill and Why They Should Not Be Punished" and has also been active in the defence of many accused violent female defendants.
Ms. Sogyny is a director of the prestigious Institute for the Advancement of Feminist Media. She has also been active in campus sexual politics advancing the idea of feminine sexual choices without responsibility and has had various papers published including "Why False Accusations Are Good Both For Men and Society".
Thursday, 26 May 2016
Social media has a new challenge called #MessageToFeminists Started by Youtuber That Guy T in this video
In the video That Guy T tags 5 other Youtubers to make a one sentence message to feminists as the hash tag implies and to follow these 5 rules of the challenge.
I am not making a video. I haven't been in the habit of making many videos in part because of the age of my hardware. But what would be my message? There are so many potential messages on so many issues. I have been most disturbed by the eating away of due process in jurisprudence as a result of the hysteria around surrounding the "rape culture" panic. This is starting to look like a mixture of Jim Crow lynch mob mentality and a witch hunt. A mixture of the Salem witch trials as dramatised in the Arthur Miller play "The Crucible" and Harper Lee's book "To Kill a Mockingbird".
So this is what my message would be:
The last book was written by a Jesuit priest living in the 16th century in Germany who believed in witches but opposed the witch trials as extremely dangerous.
Other messages to feminists have been posted to other social media like Twitter and Facebook.
In the video That Guy T tags 5 other Youtubers to make a one sentence message to feminists as the hash tag implies and to follow these 5 rules of the challenge.
Challenge Rules:
1) Present a one sentence video message directed towards feministsSo now youtubers are now tagging each other to rise to the challenge.
2) Add “#MessageToFeminists Challenge” into the video title.
3) Link to the channel of the person that challenged you in the description box (if applicable).
4) List 5 people who you are challenging & post links to their channels as well.
5) Copy and paste this template.
I am not making a video. I haven't been in the habit of making many videos in part because of the age of my hardware. But what would be my message? There are so many potential messages on so many issues. I have been most disturbed by the eating away of due process in jurisprudence as a result of the hysteria around surrounding the "rape culture" panic. This is starting to look like a mixture of Jim Crow lynch mob mentality and a witch hunt. A mixture of the Salem witch trials as dramatised in the Arthur Miller play "The Crucible" and Harper Lee's book "To Kill a Mockingbird".
So this is what my message would be:
"Please read 'The Crucible', 'To Kill a Mockingbird' and 'Cautio Criminalis' By Frederick von Shee."
The last book was written by a Jesuit priest living in the 16th century in Germany who believed in witches but opposed the witch trials as extremely dangerous.
Other messages to feminists have been posted to other social media like Twitter and Facebook.
Saturday, 30 April 2016
Laci Green Raped Me (of my innocence)
A recent episode Honey Badger Radio featured a detailed response by the good Laci exhorting us all to #ListenAndBelieve all rape victims. Nothing new in her feminist apologies for false accusations.
So I may as well join the fray and claim the Laci Green also raped me. Yes she did. She followed Barak Obama's advice said "Yes I can". She threw me against the wall breaking bones and then humped me on and on. I thought the abuse would never stop. After Laci Green had ravished my body she dumped my completely lifeless body into a skip bin and left it there. She killed me. Outright. I had never seen anything so sad as my own funeral but it was also quite moving. Oh my poor relatives. Oh the shame!
You have to believe me because, just because #ListenAndBelieve even though there is NO evidence for this allegation and even though it never happened. So believe me. If you don't believe me than you're a rape apologist and a misogynist.

Laci's video has led to the Twitter hashtag of #LaciRapedMe
You have to believe me because, just because #ListenAndBelieve even though there is NO evidence for this allegation and even though it never happened. So believe me. If you don't believe me than you're a rape apologist and a misogynist.
Friday, 22 April 2016
Aron Ra, The Texan Atheist Warrior
Aron Ra is one of my favourite atheist youtubers. As the Texas State Director of American Atheists he campaigns for the separation of church and state in Texas, the inclusion of evolution in the curriculum and in particular he campaigns against the inclusion of religious influences in Texas schools textbooks. The textbook issue is important because textbook publishers look to economies of scale and will print the textbook which caters to the lowest common denominator to sell textbooks to all American states.
On his channel he both debates atheist and church/state relation and produces educational videos on subjects biological with a view to countering creationism.
His arguments are compelling. His educational videos are an excellent resource for science teachers to use in the teaching of evolution. Aron also hosts and takes parts in public forums and one on one discussions with other atheists. His activism in this area is to be commended.
Alas the great Aron Ra has feet of clay. He fails to apply his formidable skills of sceptical thinking to feminist issues. For this he has expressed dismay at the criticism he has received from other atheists. He denies being part of the Atheism+ movement in the sceptical community as espoused by such atheists as Richard Carrier. However Aron Ra does not have a full knowledge of what feminism and what it has become.
When he speaks to feminism his go to argument in defence of feminism is the "dictionary definition" and he uses such fallacies as the simplistic black and white false dichotomy, strawmanning and equivocation insulting and belittling all critics of feminism. If you're not a feminist then you're a misogynist, a homophobe, transphobe looking for excuses to oppress and hate. Here Aron Ra's skills of sceptical thinking fail him. These are his feet of clay.
On his channel he both debates atheist and church/state relation and produces educational videos on subjects biological with a view to countering creationism.
His arguments are compelling. His educational videos are an excellent resource for science teachers to use in the teaching of evolution. Aron also hosts and takes parts in public forums and one on one discussions with other atheists. His activism in this area is to be commended.
Alas the great Aron Ra has feet of clay. He fails to apply his formidable skills of sceptical thinking to feminist issues. For this he has expressed dismay at the criticism he has received from other atheists. He denies being part of the Atheism+ movement in the sceptical community as espoused by such atheists as Richard Carrier. However Aron Ra does not have a full knowledge of what feminism and what it has become.
When he speaks to feminism his go to argument in defence of feminism is the "dictionary definition" and he uses such fallacies as the simplistic black and white false dichotomy, strawmanning and equivocation insulting and belittling all critics of feminism. If you're not a feminist then you're a misogynist, a homophobe, transphobe looking for excuses to oppress and hate. Here Aron Ra's skills of sceptical thinking fail him. These are his feet of clay.
Thursday, 7 April 2016
Rape Denialism "Men can not be raped by women" - WTF?.
I was listening to a talk on Youtube called. Allissa Nutting: Women Are Sexual Predators. A fairly informative video although I disagreed with a few point but in general the presentation was sympathetic to issues affecting men and boys which feminists and SJWs see as either not important or not existent. I will not critique the video itself. This post will highlight a comment thread consisting of myself Coweatsman and a poster with the handle name of Davey Jones.
He (I assume it was a he) started the thread thus.
He (I assume it was a he) started the thread thus.
a woman cannot force a man to get an erection, not with a gun, not with a nuclear weapon.
a woman is incapable of being predators in the same way men can be, and that's just a fact.
a woman cannot force a man to get an erection, not with a gun, not with a nuclear weapon.
a woman is incapable of being predators in the same way men can be, and that's just a fact.
just like you only knowing the one female serial killer by name is a direct result of there being so very few of them.This comment is just dripping in denial in so many ways. I responded thus:
also the only reason we are having this conversation is because the media started using retarded language to describe
RAPISTS in order to sell TV shows about them.
humans are not predators, IT'S JUST A FUCKING METAPHOR you stupid cunt.
if you change the language to what we are really talking about this is a talk about 'women doing hurtful things to other people'.
and doesn't that express just how fucking stupid the entire premise of this talk is?
has there ever been a human being on this planet that believes women incapable of being cunts?
+Davey Jones Actually women can force men to have erections. Erections are a physiological reaction to stimulus. It is not always voluntary. Just ask any teenage boy. Erections happen in sleep. I know of a man who awoke from an operation to find two female nurses playing with his penis. Women getting a man drunk at parties and taking advantage of a passed out males happens frequently. In fact female rape of men is probably as common as rape of women by men.Sadly he responded with:
Women are involved in murders but more commonly as the commissioning agent employing the sympathy of a male to do her killing for her. The movie with Nicole Kidman "To Die For" illustrates how this happens. Also where women do the dirty deed it is easy for a woman to have a sob story believed whether true or false. Here are 9 female mass killers. This is biological. Neotony. That is the tendency to care for cute baby faces. It is why we care about babies and kittens. Women have more neotonous than men. This is biologically hard wired in mammals. That is why mammals will frequently care for the young of other species. It is not a social construct.
This is just so dripping in ignorance and denial. He does not deny that "women can't take advantage of men" but somehow this is not rape even though this is almost a definition of rape. I replied:+coweatsman
when a man gets an erection it means he wants to fuck.
i'm not saying women can't take advantage of men, but rape, the kind people generally think of when the word comes up, is something a woman can never inflict upon a man in the same way as vice versa, or man on man for that matter.
if you were forced to chose, would you pick brock lesner, or ronda rousy with a strapon?
+Davey JonesDavey Jones took offence at this comment accusing me of making a strawman argument and finished up losing it.
Wrong. An erection does NOT mean consent any more than an orgasm in the rape of a woman means HER consent. No man EVER consents to sex in his sleep and yet he may have an erection. An erection is a physiological reaction. Just ask teenage boy who has INVOLUNTARY erections.
Women can and do overpower men and do stimulate involuntary erections out of unwilling men, especially when drunk. This is the rape of a man by a woman. It is no different to an orgasm of a woman during rape.
There are plenty of cases of underaged boys being forced into sex with an older female they do not want. There erections ARE forced with overwhelming physical force.
Did you know you are apologising for rape and enabling rape with your off hand reaction? You are adding to the problem.
+coweatsmanHe did not explain "involuntary erections" or address the issue of women taking advantage of such condition. He ignored that in preference for potty mouth language. I quickly replied:
no you little cunt that is what is know as a strawman argument, and you can stick it right up your ass.
reed my previous comment again and actually respond to what i actually said or go fuck yourself.
Davey Jones responds by underestimating my understanding of the male rape problem using the non sequitur of male rape in prison, a related but different problem to female predatory sexual behaviour against males:+Davey Jones
Why are you so aggressive? I pointed out that belittling male rape by women adds to the problem. There are many reasons why men commit suicide 4 X as often as women and having men's experiences devalued and discounted are a part of the problem.
+coweatsmanHe continues with with ad hominem attack but does not support his argument. He has an emotional investment in his position. I followed with a fairly lengthy reply making my case.
those men are raped by other men you idiot.
and it happens mostly in prison.
and i am aggressive because the world is fucking drowning in bullshit like this.
you fucking selfish imbeciles spouting retarded assumptions as fact is slowly driving the entire human race psychotic.
your collective brain farts are poisoning the intellectual environment we all have to live in.
Still without supporting his case he continues with denial. My arguments went through him like so many neutrinos interacting with not a single brain neuron.+Davey Jones
You are in denial about female rape OF men. I can't help you. Only you can help yourself. What part of involuntary physiological reaction can't you understand? Erections can be stimulated by force by women involuntarily. Why can you not understand simple facts?
Take the bible story of Genesis 19:30-38 where Lot is raped by his two daughters. Obviously not a literally true story but it illustrates that female rape of men happens. In the case of Lot he was drunk beyond his control.
30 And Lot went up out of Zoar, and dwelt in the mountain, and his two daughters with him; for he feared to dwell in Zoar: and he dwelt in a cave, he and his two daughters.
31 And the firstborn said unto the younger, Our father is old, and there is not a man in the earth to come in unto us after the manner of all the earth:
32 Come, let us make our father drink wine, and we will lie with him, that we may preserve seed of our father.
33 And they made their father drink wine that night: and the firstborn went in, and lay with her father; and he perceived not when she lay down, nor when she arose.
34 And it came to pass on the morrow, that the firstborn said unto the younger, Behold, I lay yesternight with my father: let us make him drink wine this night also; and go thou in, and lie with him, that we may preserve seed of our father.
35 And they made their father drink wine that night also: and the younger arose, and lay with him; and he perceived not when she lay down, nor when she arose.
36 Thus were both the daughters of Lot with child by their father.
37 And the first born bare a son, and called his name Moab: the same is the father of the Moabites unto this day.
38 And the younger, she also bare a son, and called his name Benammi: the same is the father of the children of Ammon unto this day.
The same happens everyday in real life today. In fact it is probably as common as non consensual sex by males with females like drunken sex. It is attitudes like yours which makes the problem worse. I'm sorry to say this but you are adding to the problem. You are playing "Queen Victoria" with her attitude to lesbianism. Can not happen. Not possible yadda yadda yadda. But it DOES happen.
Any sex with a man who is too drunk to resist or who is sleeping is rape by the woman. What can be the harm I hear sceptics ask? Sexually transmitted diseases for one. Pregnancy for two and three is related to number 2. Child support garnishing for the next 18 years for fatherhood he did not choose to a woman he did not choose. There is in America a rape victim, a male victim at school who MUST pay child support to his rapist, his female teacher even though he was underaged and she is in prison for statutory rape. That is the case of Nick Olivas. Consent is not a factor in paternity liability. The courts do not care. There are cases of female hospital nurses being paid child support by old men who were CONSCIOUSNESS when the female nurse massaged them to erection and became pregnant. Consent doesn't matter.
I know someone who woke up in hospital with two female nurses playing with his penis. Don't you be telling me that women can not rape men because they do and at a higher rate than most people realise.
+coweatsmanWhat a response! He invites me to get raped in prison. I am not talking about prison rape. He then accuses me of being an "insult" to those who have been raped. How bringing the problem of female sexual predation of males is an "insult I do not know. It can only make sense if "officially sanctioned" rape victims and their activists want to "other"other lesser ranking victims for fear of taking some undeserved benefits of victimhood. This is about territory. If it was not Davey Jones would not be taking offence. There are psychological games at play. I replied with:
denial nothing IT'S NOT THE SAME FUCKING THING you fucking imbecile!
go to prison and get raped by men and then tell me getting raped by a woman is just as bad.
have a son and a daughter and have both of them molested by a teacher.
and then tell me they are both suffering the same way.
you are an insult to everyone who has ever been raped, and an obstacle to any woman trying to get help for it.
the world would literally be a better place without you.
+Davey JonesAnd that is where the thread presently is.
Yes a boy or girl raped suffer the same. They have been imposed upon against their will. And if you will it is made worse for the boy because of denialists like yourself who disempower and devalue the suffering of the boy.
You did NOT explain your failure to understand involuntary physiological erectionary reaction. Still you did not at least deny it either so you may be making progress in your understanding. SO you acknowledge that a man can be abused in his sleep and become a non consenting financially liable father BUT that doesn't matter because "he's a man" and "he should man up" and take his abuse like a "man". He should NOT express his feelings. That makes it more fun latter when we accuse men of NOT expressing their feelings. This experiment would not be permitted by any ethics committee.
You literally wrote that boys and men can be just thrown under the bus. That we don't have to consider their feelings or traumas. YOU are the one adding to the rape problem with your Queen Victoria reflex action. You also said NOTHING about the financial vulnerability to child support liability commitments so I guess you think that too is OK.
I suggest you be more open minded and consider seriously that everything you THINK you know about rape might be socially constructed rather then being grounded in reality. You may be wrong. Think about it.
If your argument had substance you would not need to call me a "fucking imbecile" in caps if you like. Your argument would stand no matter who I was. Insults are used instead of arguments.
Thursday, 18 February 2016
Where have all the good men gone?
Sung to the tune of Where have all the flowers gone by Peter Paul and Mary
Where have all the good men gone
long time passing
where have all the good men gone
long time ago
where have all the good men gone
gone to MGTOW every one
when will they ever learn
when will they ever learn?
Where has all the money gone
long time passing
where has all the money gone
long time ago
where has all the money gone
gone to family court every cent
when will they ever learn
when will they ever learn?
Where have all the children gone
long time passing
where have all the children gone
long time ago
where have all the children gone
gone to single ma's every one
when will they ever learn
when will they ever learn?
Where have all the fathers gone
long time passing
where have all the fathers gone
long time ago
where have all the fathers gone
gone to homeless shelters every one
when will they ever learn
when will they ever learn?
Where has all the sympathy gone
long time passing
where has all the sympathy gone
long time ago
where has all the sympathy gone
gone to women every bit
when will they ever learn
when will they ever learn?
Where has all the money gone
long time passing
where has all the money gone
long time ago
where has all the money gone
gone to family court every cent
when will they ever learn
when will they ever learn?
Where have all the children gone
long time passing
where have all the children gone
long time ago
where have all the children gone
gone to single ma's every one
when will they ever learn
when will they ever learn?
Where have all the fathers gone
long time passing
where have all the fathers gone
long time ago
where have all the fathers gone
gone to homeless shelters every one
when will they ever learn
when will they ever learn?
Where has all the sympathy gone
long time passing
where has all the sympathy gone
long time ago
where has all the sympathy gone
gone to women every bit
when will they ever learn
when will they ever learn?
Sunday, 14 February 2016
Feminists love Islamists

One of the most controversal videos lately has been Sargon of Akkad's video Feminists love Islamists.
This is the animation which caused Richard Dawkins to be banned from the Northeast Conference on Science & Skepticism (NECSS). Why? Not because he created it. He didn't. Not because he hosted it. He didn't. No he twitted it. That is all.
The Sargon of Akkad channel. Please give Sargon a visit.
The animation was produced for Sargon of Akkad by SyeTenAtheist. Check out some of his other animations.
The original video - Feminists Love Islamists
Richard Dawkins No-Platformed by Atheism+
This video has been extensively mirrored on Youtube and elsewhere by others, myself included.
More from the Dhammapada that speaks errily of feminism
The Dhammapada is one of the central texts of Buddhism. Although I am not religious I do love this little book. It is one a several books of religious scripture I own. I had previously posted on this blog of a few verses from the Dhammapada which seem to speak to the failings of feminism. Here are a few more.
50. Do not give your attention to what others do or fail to do; give it to what you do or fail to do.Throwing stones from glass houses and living by double standards are characteristics of feminism known too well by many but articulated by too few out of fear of social ostracism and worse.
51. Like a flower, full of colour but lacking in fragrance, are the words of those who do not practice what they preach.
52. Like a lovely flower full of colour and fragrance are the words of those who practice what they preach.
Saturday, 13 February 2016
Karen Straughan's (AKA @girlwriteswhat) latest video on Jian Ghomeshi
Please check out @girlwriteswhat's latest Youtube video on Jian Ghomeshi embroiled in a controversial court case in Canada.
This is Karen at her passionate best as she defends due process and the highlights the dangers of sloppy police investigation. She asks was this incompetence or a result of a policy of "listen and believe".
Karen has made many good videos and this one is one of the best. For anyone new the issues of men I would advise you to view some of her older videos, a must go to for newbies in the areas.
Her channel on Youtube
This is Karen at her passionate best as she defends due process and the highlights the dangers of sloppy police investigation. She asks was this incompetence or a result of a policy of "listen and believe".
Karen has made many good videos and this one is one of the best. For anyone new the issues of men I would advise you to view some of her older videos, a must go to for newbies in the areas.
Her channel on Youtube
Friday, 12 February 2016
WTF Dailymotion?
![]() |
Email I received from Dailymotion support |
We thank you for your e-mail. For security reasons and if you want us to set a new password for your account, could you give us the following information:
- Last name, first name
- Address
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- Identity card scan
- Your account's link
Once we receive the above information from you, we will set a new password for your account, allowing you to use it.
Needless to say DM can fuck themselves. I am not applying for a passport or visa.
Wednesday, 20 January 2016
Tuesday, 19 January 2016
What might the Dhammapada say about feminism
The Dhammapada is one of the central texts of Buddhism. I am not religious but I have taken a secular interest in Buddhist teachings. I am more attracted to eastern scriptures than to the middle eastern Abrahamic scriptures.
So I ask what in particular what would the Dhammapada say about today's shrill feminists and SJWs ever so quick to be offended feminism? Below are 3 verses
So I ask what in particular what would the Dhammapada say about today's shrill feminists and SJWs ever so quick to be offended feminism? Below are 3 verses
Those who are ashamed of deeds they should
not be ashamed of, and not ashamed of deeds
they should be ashamed of , follow false doctrines
on the downward course
Those who fear what they ought not to
fear, and do not fear what they ought to fear,
follow false doctrines on the downward course.
Those who see wrong where there is none,How much can I see Identity Politics, micro aggressions, triggering, political correctness and protestations by snowflake professional victims as "false doctrines on the downward course"? How much is their suffering being made a universal suffering for all to share? How attached are they to their suffering?
and do not see wrong where there is, follow
false doctrines on the downward course.
A man without a woman is like a fish without a bicycle
Flipping the old Gloria Steinem meme to essentially define MGTOW (men going their own way).
Flipping the old Gloria Steinem meme to essentially define MGTOW (men going their own way).
Flipping the old Gloria Steinem meme to essentially define MGTOW (men going their own way).
Flipping the old Gloria Steinem meme to essentially define MGTOW (men going their own way).
Flipping the old Gloria Steinem meme to essentially define MGTOW (men going their own way).
Flipping the old Gloria Steinem meme to essentially define MGTOW (men going their own way).
Please feel free to copy and use.
Sunday, 10 January 2016
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