Saturday, 30 April 2016

Laci Green Raped Me (of my innocence)

A recent episode Honey Badger Radio featured a detailed response by the good Laci exhorting us all to #ListenAndBelieve all rape victims. Nothing new in her feminist apologies for false accusations.
Laci's video has led to the Twitter hashtag of #LaciRapedMe

   So I may as well join the fray and claim the Laci Green also raped me. Yes she did. She followed Barak Obama's advice said "Yes I can". She threw me against the wall breaking bones and then humped me on and on. I thought the abuse would never stop. After Laci Green had ravished my body she dumped my completely lifeless body into a skip bin and left it there. She killed me. Outright. I had never seen anything so sad as my own funeral but it was also quite moving. Oh my poor relatives. Oh the shame!

You have to believe me because, just because #ListenAndBelieve even though there is NO evidence for this allegation and even though it never happened. So believe me. If you don't believe me than you're a rape apologist and a misogynist.

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