Saturday 2 May 2020

Youtube comments disappearing. RE: Marriage Rates Hit All-Time Low

I was listening to a Youtube video by the Youtuber Thinking Ape TV at and one comment I was trying to post kept disappearing. The video in question was called "Marriage Rates Hit All-Time Low". The comment had a reply also from myself. I refreshed the video and it and the reply were gone. Something about Youtube's algorithm did not like my comment or the reply. The reply would not even pretend to show up. The original comment at least pretended. So I am posting it here as follows:
I think monogamy may have been the world's first successful socialist revolution. Human apes are naturally imperfectly monogamous, frequently cheating and frequently forming societies based on polygamy. Dimorphism where one sex is larger than the other correlates with polygamy. With elephant seals one male may have 100 or more females. The males are massively larger than the females. With humans male are just slightly
larger than females.

I can imagine that with the coming of civilisation and low tech suddenly a male who in hunter gatherer society could have 2 or 3 wives could in a society of thousands potentially have hundreds of wives if alpha enough, way out of proportion to what human dimorphism would predict. David and Solomon in the bible, sultans, emperors and kings are all examples. A bit of low tech rewrote ALL the rules. This is akin to something observed by Jane Goodall. A lowly ranked male rose in the hierarchy of males by finding 2 abandoned drums and scaring the others with the noise he could make with them. His genes proliferated within the troop.  A human male in having hundreds of wives would have to play politics to win loyalty of enough other males. Naturally like elephant seal males, most went without. Monogamy may have been a bottom up revolution of the unlucky forcing a new set of norms, overthrowing the alliance of alpha males and their allies. More democratic mating rights were taken, not given.

Money can be thought of as proxy or analogue of mating rights. The lesson of a monogamy revolution is that a socialist revolution, not for mating rights but for property rights, is very much on the cards at some time in the future.
My reply as a follow on was:
The Old Testament and the Koran both make statements on usury, or interest on money. The Koran bans it and the Old Testament makes provision for periodic debt moratoriums. Why the fear of interest? Was it irrational or was it rational for the circumstances of the time. It is said that as interest became a part of normal money transaction the economy grew because of interest AKA capitalism and all that and those societies without it stagnated.

I think something else happened. At the same time as interest was becoming a norm Europeans discovered a whole other hemisphere and discovered new sources of energy. Both allowed a huge growth in economies. I rather think that capitalism meaning strictly interest based money transactions was selected at the time by circumstances favourable. Interest based economies at times where growth is naturally constrained will cause disequilibrium. Capitalism doesn't make growth magic happen as if by magic, it is selected by a dynamic environment. In a more static environment interest will not be selected for. Given that the same condition for several societies, some with interest and some without, a static environment of energy and resources, a ban on interest will make a more successful and stable society. In an environment of more dynamic energy and resources the capitalistic societies will thrive better. Even so temporary imbalances where interest owed and money made is out of match with the energy/resource environment such that recessions and depression occur to decrease the size of the economy and bring it in line with the energy/resource base undergirding it.

So, what is the best society to live in, socialist or capitalistic? Depends on the energy/resource dynamics. It will vary. There is no right answer. It's like asking long fur or short fur animal? It depend on whether the furry animal is living at the equator or at the poles? That will shape the answer.

At the present time we have have overreached what the energy/resource base can deliver and thus 1) debt is at an all time high and 2) wealth has never been so concentrated, a situation which is not stable or sustainable. Both are observed preceding a depression. This likely depression we have entered is not caused by covid-19 but it was the straw which broke the camel's back. If anyone doubts that extreme inequality and increasing inequality is sustainable they should reflect on the game of monopoly on the last move plus one, the move after the final victory. All the property is one one player's hands, all the income generating power is in the hands of one player but NO income. The last player may also have to pay interest as well as the outstanding amount on acquired mortgaged properties but he has NO income. Instant depression.

I a, thinking that Andrew Yang's UBI is a good idea and forgiveness of a lot of debt. Maybe a negative income tax and more progressive tax overall. Nobody wants but sometimes circumstances force our hands. We do not altogether determine what sort of environment we find ourselves.

Friday 15 February 2019

Quentin van Meter on Gender Reassingment and Puberty Blockers

I took the trouble to listen to a talk by Quentin van Meter on Youtube called The terrible fraud of 'transgender medicine' to get a measure of his opinions on trans people. Quentin van Meter is paediatric endocrinologist in Atlanta, Georgia.

He talked at length of John Money, psychologist and sexologist at John Hopkins University Medical centre, and his model of gender being socially conditioned and malleable. He mentions Money as part of a troika including Alfred Kingsley and Harry Benjamin. He saw Money as instrumental in popularising the concept of transexuality and also in promoting the concept of "gender" as a social construct, lifting the word from its then lingual context and applying it to a sexological context. In his discussion of Money Meter rolls out the occasional non sequitur, such as mentioning Money seeming to have horns growing out of his head in reference to a photo of him. This struck me as an unnecessary attack.

Eventually John Hopkins University Medical Centre where Money ran his sexual reassignment, undertook gender reassignment surgery but Meter neglected to mention that Christine Jorgensen in Denmark in 1952 was actually the first example of this surgery. Is this the usual Ameri-centrism of Americans or just sloppy on Meter's part?

Another example of not Meter not providing the full context is in reference to the famously tragic case of David Reimer. David was a twin with his brother Brian born in 22 August 1965 and because of a botched circumcision lost his penis. Money advised the parents to have gender reassignment done and to have him brought up as a girl. Money had a strong belief in societal gender constructs. Eventually biology made itself felt in David and his parents confessed the story. David wanted to be a boy. David was reassigned as a male but in 2004 committed suicide. Left out of the story was that Brian was a schizophrenic, and depressed, and who had committed suicide by overdosing on antidepressants in 2002. No doubt the original gender reassignment was the central tragedy in David's life and ultimately precipitated in his and his brother's suicides, but there may well have been a general predisposition for depression in his family. Meter does not mention his brother's suicide. This omission does him no credit.

In talking about Money's ideas on gender Meter did not mention Money's concepts of sex-adjunctive differences and sex arbitrary differences, that is biological and societal, and to this Money added gender role. This is an unfair and incomplete treatment of his ideas by Meter.

I came across a new concept in discussion of Sam Harris and Jordan Peterson. That is the concept of steel manning. Straw manning is erecting and incomplete, simplistic and inaccurate picture of an opponent's views and easily attacking the straw man so constructed. By contrast steel manning is the process of accurately representing your opponent, even going as far as eliciting feedback from your opponent to do so, and then attacking these views. Counter intuitively it is a far better method of debate than straw manning because you are then arguing against the strengths of your opponents and positions which he agrees he holds and can not object to being misrepresented. Meter does not do steel manning and his method is visibly sloppy as a result.

Meter does nonetheless present some good arguments against trans identity and gender reassignment. He mentions the work of Kenneth Zacker and mentions the suicide statistics of post gender reassignment patients. These are 20 times as high as the normal population but I was disappointed that Meter did not state any statistics for trans people who did not transition. This would have been a control comparison and its omission is disappointing. Zacker's work also showed that most teens who state they are trans (between 80% and 98%) latter identify with their biological sex.

Meter next talks about professional associations and their related politics, in particular the American Academy of Paediatrics, the mainstream and largest group representing paediatric professional and the smaller more conservative American College of Paediatricians and how some professional bodies are captured by small special interest groups. Into this comes the non sequitur of Obama Care. How? I suggest Meter load one issue into his wheel barrow at a time.

Meter does credit however for making clear the difference between transgender/transsexual and transvestite, something which is smudged in normal discussions about trans issues. Identity politics has a way of blurring nuance into simple black and white dichotomies. He makes clear that not all children cross dressing identify as the other sex.

Meter is also quite religious. Strangely he closes his talk by turning around the quote by a colleauge "The more we know about science, the more we know there is no god" by stating that the more he has done science, the more it seems that a god must exist. This is irrelevant as it is illogical and unexplained. He leaves it hanging.

One of the replies I had to my post on the sub-Reddit r/transgenderau was that Meter opposed abortion. Although his professional organisation, the American College of Paediatricians is conservative and opposes abortion among other things I have not been able to google any quotes by Meter relating to abortion, only third party reports that he opposes abortion. I do not know his position on abortion. I am pro choice. The abortion issue was irrelevant in connection with his deplatforming at the UWA and to which my post to r/transgenderau related or my blog post on being banned in that sub-Reddit.

I will close with a meme that the sub-Reddit would do well to internalise.

Thursday 31 January 2019

Clementine Ford leaves Channel Nine in a Huff

Not much has to be said about Clemy and I'm not going to say much. Did she jump or was she pushed? Either way I do not care. Rather I will let Clemy speak for herself in the way that only she can, with a mouth spraying bovine fertiliser 360.

What more needs to be said? Misandry anyone? Try flipping the gender on any of these tweets and see "equality" at work. Don't let the door slam on your arse on your way out Clemy.

Sunday 23 December 2018

A reddit sub-redddit intolerant of opposing views - r/transgenderau

About 3 months ago I had an exchange on the sub-reddit on a thread about this news story. The sub-reddit thread is here. UWA criticised for talk by transgender sceptic Quentin Van Meter UWA 

The thread was discussing the case of Quentin Van Meter being allowed to give a talk at the UWA (University of Western Australia). ABC (Australia) link 

I protested that Van Meter had a right to host a talk even if they or myself disagreed with what he said. I do not accept everything Van Meter says but I believe he has a right to be controversial and contrary all the same. The standard response was something like "hate speech is not free speech" yadda yadda yadda. Engaging in conversation was fruitless as expected. Closed minds are like that and I have noticed that trans activists are more closed minded than most and are VERY enthusiastic deplatformers. They will not tolerate ANY dissent AT ALL. There are exceptions of course like Blaire White but as a rule transactivism is very strident.

This was my first comment:
I have listened to Dr Quentin Van Meter on the Bettina Arndt YT channel and he is not at all "hateful'. It's cheating to shut someone down by making bald face claims that someone is a "hater". He has different opinions but that is not hate. If he is so obviously wrong then there is no harm in engagement with him and no harm in allowing him to speak. Let the public decide if his opinions have merit. Those who want to hear both sides should not be "nannied" "for their own good". That is such an elitist position.
 That was the general theme of my discussion. After being called "a white cis guy" (because addressing the substance or lack thereof is not a habit of transactivists) I then posited that an outsider far from being disqualified has the advantage of an objective perspective that an insider does not have. This challenge to their thinking obviously means I must be a "troll" and a "loon". A reflex resort when one's position is challenged by disagreement.

The thread petered out and for 3 months that was that. A forgotten exchange. One of many I have engaged in on social media. But, suddenly 3 months latter I received this message.

Why 3 months? The r/transgenderau moderator or someone subscribed to it was smarting for 3 months. before banning me from making comments.

I took up the suggestion of contacting the moderator and we had a short exchange over a few days.

The exchange can be summarised as "you can sprout elsewhere", "I wouldn't shit on your carpet" and "this is not a political space". I challenged these excuses by 1) that wanting to deplatform a critic does indeed make the thread very political and 2) they were themselves "shitting" on the UWA carpet while protesting my criticism and 3) I questioned their commitment to allow critics, myself or others, to speak elsewhere when the evidence shows that transactivists have form for shutting down and deplatforming critics.

So with these points made what was the response? A concession? A reassessment of his position? Oh no, not at all. No, the response was to temporarily ban me from communicating with the moderator for 72 hours. The response to be questioned, challenged and having inconsistencies and contradictions pointed out is #Censorship.

  Below is the full exchange I had with the moderator.

[–]subreddit message via /r/transgenderau[M] sent
You have been banned from participating in r/transgenderau. You can still view and subscribe to r/transgenderau, but you won't be able to post or comment.
If you have a question regarding your ban, you can contact the moderator team for r/transgenderau by replying to this message.
Reminder from the Reddit staff: If you use another account to circumvent this subreddit ban, that will be considered a violation of the Content Policy and can result in your account being suspended from the site as a whole.
[–]to /r/transgenderau sent
I can think of Ralph Waldo Emerson who said "Never let me fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted." I think also of the words attributed to Voltaire "I disagree with everything you say but I will fight to the death for your right to say it". I am puzzled also by the 3 month period following my post? Why so long? Censors usually move faster.
[–]subreddit message via /r/transgenderau[M] sent
This guy you're supporting is deliberately obscuring the truth and dressing himself up as a credible clinician/scientist when it's just lies.
For an example of one of the ACP's views, they put forth a statement linking abortion to later breast cancer. The reasoning: Pregnancy protects against breast cancer in later life, therefore abortion causes breast cancer.
There's no truth being exposed here, the ACP are arguing in bad faith and being deliberately deceptive about their opinions being somehow science based.
[–]to /r/transgenderau sent
I am not supporting anyone at all. I do not agree with what the guy says but I do support his right to say it in any case. That supporting in any way (not necessarily his views but his right to express them) is enough to have a subscriber banned speaks of insecurity. Freedom of speech is not limited ONLY to those to speak a truth. This is the bed rock of democracy. I am sorry you are so easily triggered like a seismiclly reactive snowflake but if the only place you can feel safe and comfortable is in an echo chamber then I do not care to walk on egg shells and I do not care to share a space with the professionally victimatic. I prefer to live in a robust democracy of energetic exchange of different views. I feel sorry for you for you do not see yourself as who you really are. And why wait 3 months? If my position was not offensive enough then, why is it now?
[–]subreddit message via /r/transgenderau[M] sent
This ain't a space for political debate, it's a space for support and care for trans people. If you want a political debate go to a different sub.
Or alternately, can I come around to your house and shit on the carpet as some kind of political statement? No? But, free speech!
You can believe whatever you like, but this is not the space to expose those views. Declaring it as some kinda "right" is just indignant and stupid.
[–]to /r/transgenderau sent
All sounds very reasonable except there are a few problems here. First " If you want a political debate go to a different sub." This is fine except the desire to deplatform a speaker at some other venue, the UWA, not r/transgenderau. For a "space" which is not "political" this is a very political thread. My crime was not politics per say but only a particular type of politics you do not approve of. Second the assertion that you would not "shit on the carpet" in my house but you do exactly this at other venues like the UWA. You want to "shit" on other platforms. This betrays another truth. You imply that one has the right to express their views elsewhere but this is not true. You want to shut down any and all other venues and platform where views you do not approve are or could be expressed.
[–]subreddit message via /r/transgenderau[M] sent
I'm not entirely sure what you hope to achieve by this, but whatever it is it's not being achieved.
You can spout whatever bullshit you like (free speech) but you don't have the right to a platform, particularly in a safe space.
[–]to /r/transgenderau sent
I am struck by the appeal for "for space" while wanting to make unsafe outside space which opposes your position. This is a double standard. You want to deplatform others so your statement "You can sprout whatever bullshit...." is not actually a heart felt sentiment on your part.

Tuesday 27 June 2017

Russia Russia Russia - Marcia Marcia Marcia

How many are tired of the media hysteria over the "hacking" of the US election last November by the Russians?
  1. The leading factor in the lost of the US Presidential Election by Hillary Clinton was Hillary Clinton.
  2. There does not seem to be anything more than innuendo and "maybes" and "could have" passed off as revelations.
  3. I am having trouble trying to work out what the Russians are supposed to have done that America has never done. A lot of stones being thrown by people living in glass houses.
Yet the media goes on and on. Anything to avoid the introspection required by the US Democrats or to face up to the faults of the pro Wall Street Clintonite Democrats and the issues buried by this wing of the Democrat Party. This reminds me of a scene in the 1970s sitcom Brady Bunch, Marcia Marcia Marcia.

Wednesday 8 March 2017

My French Viewers

I have checked out the stats on this blog and it seems that the nation with the most visitors to my blog is France with more views than any other nation.

Quite why this is so I do not know.

So I thought I would honour my French viewers with this posting.

Merci beaucoup mes téléspectateurs français.

(Thank you very much my French viewers).

Friday 13 January 2017

Laci Green II - America's Greatest Rape Machine

This is a second post about Laci Green. In my first post Laci Green Raped Me (of my innocence) I described the phenomenon of lots of "claims" by sceptics of feminism that Laci Green had raped them. I even added my own account. This was consistent with the Laci promoted meme of #ListenAndBelieve.

I adapted the lyrics of the chorus of the Boney M hit Ra Ra Rasputin to the Laci Green phenomenon and the meme of #LaciRapedMe for the lyrics.